The Byron Clan

The Byron Clan

Monday, February 18, 2013

Reid Month 2

2/6/13 - 


Boy did you have us fooled last month. Our sweet-tempered, easy-peasy baby turned into a difficult-to-soothe, only-naps-when-held, prefers-to-be-walked-around-infant. Don’t get me wrong, you are definitely still a super sweet boy. You are still so smiley, and mostly content but some of your temperament is starting to shine through and you have more of your sister in you than we previously thought. It’s ok though, because we love babies with some spunk. We can do that around here. =)

Here’s what you were up to in your second month:

You love your Mama. You give her some of your biggest, sweetest grins.

You are also fascinated with your sister. You watch her, talk to her, smile at her, and coo along with her when she sings to you. Makes us happy parents!

You are super smiley for the 30 minutes after you are fed. 

You started sleeping between 4-5 hours at night, eating, and then going back down for a few more. You will sleep the whole night in your bassinet in our closet. Hallelujah. 

You are not an evening person. From about 4 o’clock on, you’re just kind of fussy. You want to be up moving around, and you’re no longer content to lay on the floor. 5-6 is definitely your witching hour, right when I’m trying to make dinner!

You started filling out! You have some pretty cute, chubby cheeks and a big Buddha belly. The rest of you is kind of scrawny, though. Little chicken legs and arms. Just looking at you, nobody would guess you are in the 80th percentile for height and weight. It’s all in that belly!

You will fall asleep on your own in your crib for naps, but will wake up after 45 minutes, even though you’re not done napping. Then you just want to finish your nap in Mama’s arms. Silly boy. I keep telling myself to enjoy this phase of life, because there will come a time where I will miss you letting me hold you while you sleep. 

You are getting super strong! You prefer to be “up” and looking around. You like tummy time way more than your sister ever did, and you push your chest off the ground like a pro.

You can be so chill sometimes. You will sit in your bouncy seat or lay on your playmat or the floor for quite a while if you are content. 

We sure do love you, little dude! You’re growing up so fast...want to slow down a little bit? =)

Mama & Dada

1 comment: said...

He looks so big. Love the buddha belly!