The Byron Clan

The Byron Clan

Sunday, February 10, 2013

2 Years of Addi

*This should have gone up two months ago, but like in all things lately, I am behind. =)*

12/8/2012 - 

Addi Bug,

You, my dear, are so so big. I think I realized it when you came to visit us in the hospital after your baby brother was born. It was like, all of a sudden you knew you were going to have to grow up a little bit faster so that you could be a big helper at home. And you have been exactly that! You fetch diapers and burp rags (or raggers, as you refer to them). You help me to burp Reid. You are on paci patrol, always making sure he has his paci and giving it to him when he needs it, and sometimes when he doesn’t. You are almost like his little Mama. If you could feed him, I think you would! When he is waking from a nap in his room, you will hear him at the same time as I do and say to me, “Me go get him, I be riiiiiight back.” =) It has been one of my greatest joys in life to watch you and your brother together--and I think the fun is just beginning!

At 2 years old:

You are seriously so funny. You just say some of the craziest, funniest things. Your favorite YouTube video for a while was the “Charlie Bit My Finger” video and you would go around saying, “Charlie, that really hurt!” in various voices.

You are quite sassy. You have learned the phrase, “That’s mine!” And you use it frequently. Mostly when referencing Mama and Dada’s phones or iPad. You have started throwing tantrums, but you are generally pretty easy to talk down off the ledge or distract.  

You put yourself in time-out. Obviously time out is not working very well, because when you do something naughty you ask to go to time out. What to do with you...

You are an excellent talker, and you talk all day long. We can understand most of what you say, but there are times you fill in the words we know with words we don’t, and it sounds a lot like gibberish to us! 

You are addicted to the iPhone/iPad and you can find your way to any app or video you want to see. You also find your way to videos we don't want you to see. Trouble, trouble! It’s crazy how quickly you have picked up on technology.

You love to sing songs. We spend a good chunk of our day singing songs together. Your current favorites are “Twinkle, Twinkle,” “I Am a Child of God,” and “Ring Around the Rosie.” You know most of the words, too! 

You will not sit still for very long. I keep hoping your attention span will lengthen so that we can actually sit down and read a whole story together. But for now, you are just too busy. You are always on the go, moving from one activity to the next, often trying to do two things at once!

You are also an awesome eater. You fit right in in this house. You are a food lover! Tomatoes, you love ‘em! Guacamole, you’ll scarf it down! Onions, you’ll eat ‘em whole! I think we are pretty lucky that you don’t fight us too much on the meal front. I hope you are always an adventurous eater. 

You have a pretty good handle on your ABC’s, 123’s, shapes, and colors. For the longest time you were neglecting number 9. I don’t know what it was. Finally it clicked, and 9 is no longer forgotten. 

You are a social butterfly. You love nursery, playgroup, lunch bunch...any place where you can go and interact with others. You know all the kids and leaders names in nursery. You love to people watch.  

Some things you don’t like:

The doctor. Holy smokes. You scream almost the whole time we’re there. Even when she’s just asking us questions! 

Getting your hair washed. You love baths, but hate getting your hair wet. 

When someone tells you “no” or to be told you are too little for something. You want to do EVERYTHING yourself. =) Typical two year old!

Going to the store without a snack. Heaven help us if we forget one.

Talking about throwing your pacifiers away. You still get them when you’re in your crib, and only when you’re in your crib...but boy do you love those things. We start talking about taking them away and you almost have a meltdown.

The vacuum. Although, your Dada has been working with you on this one and you are getting much better. There was a time where we would mention the word vacuum and you would get tears in your eyes. 

Bug, we love you. Our house wouldn’t be complete without your energetic, sassy, full of it, self!

Mama and Dada

2 comments: said...

Can't wait to play with her! said...
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