The Byron Clan

The Byron Clan

Thursday, January 15, 2015

So, I haven't blogged in over a year...

We moved one year ago last week to a little town in Louisiana. I initially stopped blogging because we had a few weeks where we were homeless, and then we got to our new home and by the time we unpacked and got settled, we realized we kind of hated this place. And you’re not supposed hate your life when you blog, right? That’s not what people blog about. They blog about the happy things and all the fun they’re having and all the good times. And it’s not like the last year hasn’t been filled with those things. On the contrary, we’ve taken some really fun trips, made some friends, and had a good time. But, the day to day living in a place where you don’t feel like you’ll ever fit in has been rough. And we’ve done our fair share of complaining. So I stopped blogging. 

Well, now we’ve been here for a year and I’m determined to catch back up. I need to highlight the things we did last year somehow and this seems like as good a way as any to do that. We’ve had our down moments, but ultimately we’ve grown closer as a family. I am grateful for that. So here goes the massive update of 2014. 

These pictures were taken on the last night we drove away from our first home in Ohio. We started our family here. We brought two babies home from the hospital to this house. So, when we left, I cried like a baby. This house will always have a special place in my heart, and I think to this day, I still consider this place to be my “home.”

1 comment:

Rob said...

Lindsey and I feel that it is time for you to make another blog post. :0)